The Psalms: Prayers for the Abused and Oppressed
The Psalms give a clear picture of not overlooking our own sins, confessing and acknowledging them, while also acknowledging the sins of others that affect us, and calling them out, asking not only for deliverance but for justice on those who would hurt and oppress us. When you look at the Psalms, the Psalmist doesn’t shy away from his emotions.
When Church Hurts
We can be taught things from the pulpit that damage us, make us see God incorrectly (i.e. as a vengeful God who can’t be pleased), or things that make us heavy and weary. And thanks to social media, we don’t just experience the hurt of our own local churches, but we get to see the damage inflicted on others from churches around the country and world.
Warm Blankets, Hallmark Movies, and Our Inconsolable Longing for Home
We long for the day to know and be known fully, without shame or fear, anger or anxiety, stress or exhaustion. That longing is so profound and so deep that even when we find it in these made-for-TV Holiday films.
Expect More Moral Failures Like Ravi Zacharias
Modern day Christianity has gotten something drastically wrong, and it’s come at the expense of the credibility of Christians, the loss of individual faith and spiritual identity, the closing of churches, and possibly one of the greatest misunderstandings of the Gospel in the 21st century.
The Psalms: Prayers for the Abused and Oppressed
The Psalms give a clear picture of not overlooking our own sins, confessing and acknowledging them, while also acknowledging the sins of others that affect us, and calling them out, asking not only for deliverance but for justice on those who would hurt and oppress us. When you look at the Psalms, the Psalmist doesn’t shy away from his emotions.
When Church Hurts
We can be taught things from the pulpit that damage us, make us see God incorrectly (i.e. as a vengeful God who can’t be pleased), or things that make us heavy and weary. And thanks to social media, we don’t just experience the hurt of our own local churches, but we get to see the damage inflicted on others from churches around the country and world.
Warm Blankets, Hallmark Movies, and Our Inconsolable Longing for Home
We long for the day to know and be known fully, without shame or fear, anger or anxiety, stress or exhaustion. That longing is so profound and so deep that even when we find it in these made-for-TV Holiday films.