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Theology has Consequences4 min read

Are we islands of self-discovery?

We all begin the study of who God is at an early age– simply absorbing and learning things about Him and putting them together to form our own personal (and often incorrect) theology. If we were islands of self-discovery, this would be great! Our incorrect theology would never inform how we live and interact with other people. But our theology has consequences if we get it wrong.⁣

Listening to @thecultishshow, (highly recommend) episodes 54-55, we meet author Jennifer Brewer. In her interview, she explains how her UPCI church taught their congregants that a woman’s hair IS the literal protection of their home.⁣

Not only is this concept anti-Biblical and a poor understanding of 1 Corinthians 11, it also compounds, and creates a chain of self-righteousness, self-deception, and pride, that places the duty of righteousness onto the backs of women. After all, it’s the human tendency to push ourselves further into self-righteousness than God ever intended– look at the Pharisees in Jesus’ time. The religious elite followed to the core, the 613 commandments of Deuteronomy. They adhered vehemently to 39 categories of work prohibited on the sabbath, and Jesus had strong words for them:⁣

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.” -Matthew 23:27-28⁣

I have good news for you, friend. If your theology points you to self-righteousness, Jesus was sacrificed because of one thing: Your inability to stop sinning! If perfection were up to you, there would be no need for Jesus to reconcile us to Father. But because He has already accomplished your righteousness, you are free to walk in that forgiveness.⁣

Good theology is not just about books– good theology points us to the cross and helps us navigate the minefield of life oriented around self. Good theology brings us to Jesus and He gives us rest.⁣

Written By

Eric Novak

Dad, entrepreneur, writer, and creative.
Founder of Gentle Theology.